Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Pictures, as promised

Nana's watering can filled with evolvulus & fuscia

Some of my petunias

And just for shits & giggles, kittehs!
(Also, see how nice my kitchen floor turned out, Daddy? I guess I absorbed some handy skills from you somehow, haha)

Nothing much else new to report in Two Turtles Garden, except some of my tomatoes are ripening, woot! I also now have wireless access again, thanks to some of my neighbors, so I can sit out back & work on their signal with much faster results than my cheapo (OK, free) work dial up connection. Yippee!

Monday, July 23, 2007

Camp-out in Two Turtles Garden

No new pictures for this post, but I put some annuals in yesterday where I had cut back some of the perennials that have started to die off for the season. I put in some petunias in honor of my good friend, Petunia and planted some pretty evolvulus and fuschia in my Nana's watering can that my mom gave me. It looks very nice sitting by my flamingo, Tapawingo. I will take some pictures and post them soon.

As I had taken a quilt and pillow out in the back garden to lounge about in the late afternoon sun to enjoy my date with Harry, as evening came on and then night and I was starting to get sleepy, I decided to bring out a blanket and doze under the strip of stars I can see between the roof and the woods that back my deck. It was a nice night & Yuki, the Deck Cat, curled up with me and we had ourselves a backyard camp-out. I got through about half of the book, but I'm trying to stretch it out, to savor it, since it is the last. Without giving anything away, at this point things are looking a bit bleak for our Boy Wizard. I can't wait to find out how it ends, but I know I will be sad when I read that last page. Great adventures ending always leave me a little verklempt.

Friday, July 20, 2007

It's Ripe

I spied our first ripe cherry tomato this morning. I offered it to Little Turtle and she came out and said, "Aw, it's tiny!" She was expecting one of the big tomatoes to be ripe, but they're still in the green and growing phase. I left the cherry tomato there, as it looks like it could get just a bit riper. I hope some fiendish squirrel doesn't get it before I get to pick & eat it. That would make me very, very angry. I would have to take up my squirrel water torture again. Now that the moss is firmly established, they have done a lot less digging in it, so I have been lenient with them for the most part. But I am still watching, you little buggers.

We also have some sunflowers just starting to bloom, see? Luckily, these are turning out to be sunflowers of the petite variety, unlike the monster 12 foot tall ones I grew in a house with a big backyard many moons ago. I don't think giant sunflowers would fit on our little back deck. So, I suppose I chose these seeds wisely.

Thursday, July 19, 2007

A flower!

We planted a bunch of bulbs during the early phases of Two Turtles Garden, very few of which actually came out of the ground at all. I blame the squirrels for that. I forget what we put where, and will have to defer to Doodle's vast horticultural geeniyus on what this one is*, but it finally bloomed! Shiny!

Everything else is doing quite well, though it is getting a bit inconvenient to water with the watering can out back, since my outdoor water fixture decided to burst last winter (never even used it, didn't even know it was turned on until it flooded my shed. Oops. Learned my lesson to check the shut off valves when it gets cold.) Hopefully my dear brother or my handy neighbor will come over some day and help me fix it. *wink wink nudge nudge* My tomato plants are quite the water hogs, but it will be worth it when all those little green tomatoes turn red & yummy. I shall sit under them with a book in my lap and pick them straight off the vine & pop them into my mouth. Yummy!

Back to work, but I will leave you with a picture of Myrtle & Petunia masquerading rather successfully as a pair of shoes.

* I freely admit that bulb knowledge is not my strong spot in plant identification.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Aww, you shouldn't have!

Yuki brought us a present this morning, in the form of a dead mole on the doormat. Ewww! I suppose I should be grateful that it was not a half of a mole. Little Turtle was rather fascinated by it; she stroked & prodded it gently with a stick. She named it George (as in "IwilllovehimandhughimandsqueezehimandcallhimGeorge"). She wanted to have a funeral for him. Now, I like critters, and have even had triple-wrapped cryogenic hamsters in the freezer, but I draw the line at pets. I picked it up with a big wad of paper towels, said "Goodbye George, it was like we hardly knew you! RIP!" and flung it out into the woods. Amen.

I did not take pictures. Heh.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Mary, Mary quite contrary...

...how does your garden grow? It grows like crazy, is how! Here you see Little Turtle and I admiring our 10 foot tall cherry tomatoes. (Might be a bit hard to see the tomato plants in the picture with all the greenery in the background) They're growing lots of little tomatoes now too, just got to get ripe. By the time they are, I imagine I will be able to pick them from my upstairs bedroom window, might have to if they keep growing the way they have been. I've also been picking string beans a few at a time & might soon have enough for a modest side dish, heh.

We had a birthday party in Two Turtles Garden this weekend for Doodle. I do believe she had a lovely time, I know we did! Here is what's left of Hello Kitty after the ritual slaughter. We made it a night of pizza, Kitty Cake, and watched "I Love Lucy" episodes, including my all time favorite Vitameatavegemin. Little Turtle got the whole spiel down by the end of the episode, hehe. We also had goody bags.

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Myrtle and Petunia


Doodle came over with her far superior camera and took some pictures for us. In our excitement to take pictures of the kittens, we completely forgot to take some of the garden. Oops! Since the kitten's names are plant-related, I still think they fit in my garden blog. Promise I will take some garden pictures soon. My 10 foot tall tomato plants are a sight to behold! Little Turtle is in kitten heaven, by the way. She is also impressed with how much everything grew while she was away. That's my little garden geek.
